Prohibited goods
We have a pressing request to look through a list of the goods and the commodities which are strictly prohibited from importing and the exporting from China.
There are
(1) Firearm, gas weapon, cold steel, pneumatic and mechanical arm of all the kind:
- Pistols, revolvers, rifles, carbines and other fire, gas, pneumatic arms, electric shock device and its imitators;
- Arbalests, underwater hunting guns, sabers, cavalry swords, hatchets, yataghans, broadswords, swords, rapiers, bayonets, daggers, dirks, stylets, knifes: hunting ones, landing ones, bowie ones, sword bayonets, ones with lock, household ones the length of blade is not more 110 sm.
(2) Explosives, means of explosion and objects filled with it:
- Powder in any wrapping and in any quality;
- Practice cartridges (including small-caliber ones);
- Patrons for gas weapon;
- Hunting percussion caps;
- Pyrotechnical means: signal and flare rockets, signal patrons, flare sticks, smoke shells, match of member of a demolition squad, Bengal lights, detonating cartridge;
- Trotyl, dynamite, tolite, ammonal and other explosive means;
- Caps, detonators, electro detonators, electro gas lighters, detonating and igniting fuse etc.
(3) Compressed and brought down gas:
- Household fuel gas (butane-propane) and other gases;
- Tear and nerve gas sprays.
(4) Highly inflammable fluids:
- Acetone;
- Benzene;
- Trials of the highly inflammable oil products;
- Methanol;
- Methyl ether;
- Carbon bisulphide;
- Ethers;
- Other high inflammable fluids.
(5) Inflammable hard substances:
- Which secrete a heat and the combustible gases on a water effect. It can cause the spontaneous ignition and the fire. There are potassium, sodium, metallic calcium and its alloys, phosphorus calcium and others;
- White, yellow and red phosphorus and other substances of inflammable hard substances category;
- Organic peroxides;
- Colloidal nitro cellulose in differ presentations (granulated or in flocks, dry or wet, contained less than 25 percent of water or solvent; broken to pieces, wet, contained less than 25 percent of alcohol; contained less than 20 percent of water and less than 30 percent of solvent).
(6) Poisonous and toxic substances:
- Any poisonous, virulent and toxic agents in liquid and solid state packed up in any tare;
- Brucine;
- Nicotine;
- Strychnin(e);
- Tetrahydrofurfurilic alcohol
- Antifreeze;
- Brake fluid;
- Ethylene glycol;
- Mercury;
- All the salts of prussic acid and cyanic preparation;
- Cyclone, cyanogens, arsenious anhydride and all the other virulent poisonous and toxic substances.
(7) Caustic and corrosive substances:
- Strong inorganic acids (salt, nitric, sulfuric and other ones);
- Hydrofluoric acid and other strong acids and corrosive substances.
(8) Precious and rare-earth metals and its products;
(9) Precious stone and its products;
(10) Banknotes and its equivalents;
(11) Strategic means;
(12) Rocket space technology, systems of communications and management of military purpose, its normative and technical documentation on the manufacture and the operation;
(13) Uranium, other fissionable substances and products of it;
(14) Radiography equipment, devices and equipment contained radioactive materials and isotopes;
(15) Results of research and planning works, findings of fundamental and searching investigations on formation of armament and military hardware;
(16) Scramblers and its normative and technical documentation on the manufacture and the operation;
(17) Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances;
(18) Ethyl alcohol;
(19) Wastes of radioactive and explosive substances contained the precious and rare-earth metals and precious stones;
(20) Special and other technical means intended (elaborated, adaptated, programmed) for the undercover data receipt, its normative and technical documentation on the manufacture and the operation;
(21) Living animals;
(22) Human organs;
(23) Cargos contained perishable goods and commodities required the peculiar storage conditions and/or carriage.